Fred Williams

Fred Williams

Saturday, 25 October 2014 00:00

The Whale

The Whale

OK, this isn't a whale, but this wolf-like creature is supposedly the whale's great, great, great, great, ... great granddaddy! The evolutionist must make this leap of faith because the whale is a mammal. Evolutionists believe that certain fish a long time ago learned to walk out of the water and eventually evolved into mammals. Since there are mammals such as whales in the water, they were forced to postulate that a few of the land mammals became homesick and returned to the water and became whales! Wow!

The whale has many incredibly complex mechanisms that makes it vastly different than land-dwelling mammals. For example, whales have a huge chamber of sperm oil that allows adjustment of buoyancy at different depths, and are equipped with features that allow them to withstand the enormous amount of pressure they encounter at great depths. Their eyes have a far higher refractive index to allow them to see in water, and their ears can pick up airborne sound waves under high pressure. Whales also possess very complex sonar capability.

So how did an alleged wolf-like whale ancestor begin this mind-boggling transition to whale? What prompted him to "dive in"? The following illustrates what the first saga of this adventure must have looked like!



Saturday, 25 October 2014 00:00

Evolution of Flight, Page 5

squirrel chalk

Yet another evolutionist fantasy that just won't fly!

 The whole idea that an arm could evolve into a wing is patently absurd, since the arm would become completely useless and a hindrance long before it could possibly become a functional wing. Even the leading evolutionist Stephen J. Gould recognizes evolution by gradual changes (neo-Darwinism) as a pipe-dream: "Of what possible use are the imperfect incipient stages of useful structures? What good is half a jaw or half a wing?"1

ARRO14E1  Next Series - The Whale

1. Stephen Jay Gould, "The Return of Hopeful Monsters", Natural History, Vol 86, June-July 1977, pg 23. Gould substitutes the fairy tale of neo-Darwinism with his own fairy tale, which he calls punctuated equilibrium - evolution in rapid bursts in isolated populations. Gould does this to accommodate 1) the half-a-wing problem, 2) the utter lack of transitional fossils in the fossil record, and most importantly 3) his atheistic world view. It is apropos that the evidence for Gould's fairy tale of punctuated equilibrium appears to be based on lack of evidence (in the fossil record)!

Saturday, 25 October 2014 00:00

Evolution of Flight, Page 4


Well, on second thought...


Saturday, 25 October 2014 00:00

Evolution of Flight, Page 3

The beginning of a long line of evolutionary progress!...



Saturday, 25 October 2014 00:00

Evolution of Flight, Page 2

That fly sure looks tasty! Maybe if I too could fly, I could catch it and eat it, then I would be able to survive as a species!



Saturday, 25 October 2014 00:00

Evolution of Flight

Evolution of Flight

There is nothing quite like the sight of an evolutionist squirming and tugging at his collar after being asked to explain how flight "evolved"! Like all tenets of mud-to-man evolution, you'll get plenty of "may have's", "could have's", and "uh's" but no facts or credible evidence. The reason is simple - there is no evidence of how this amazing process occurred!1.

Presently the general consensus among evolutionists is that birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs. This hypothesis has proven so weak, though, that it has long come under serious scrutiny from within the secular evolutionist scientific community2. With the dinosaur-to-bird hypothesis on the verge of extinction, what will our evolutionist story-tellers dream up next?

squirrel1.jpg (12809 bytes)

Well, maybe I can help. Let's use as an example a squirrel-like creature. This poor creature has found himself on the brink of starvation due to population stress and other factors. So what's a squirrel to do?  Following is an account of the first flight of the great flying squirrel ancestor Willie Wright (indeed I have heard on more than one occasion the following argument from some of the more mentally challenged evolutionists).


1. The fossil record certainly doesn't help the evolutionist's position. Considering the quantity of avian (bird) and especially bat fossils that have been unearthed, if evolution were true there should be hundreds of thousands of examples of transitional forms demonstrating a gradual limb-to-wing development over time. But there are none!  Instead, birds and bats appear fully formed in the fossil record, as would be expected if creation were true.  Indeed, the oldest fossil bat (called Icaronycteris by long-winded evolutionists) is supposedly 50 million years old, yet is indistinguishable from a modern bat! (see Glenn Jepson, Science 154:1333-1339, 1966). Additionally, both non-flying and flying insects are found in the fossil record, without a trace of intermediate insects in the process of obtaining the ability to fly. Where are the ancestors to the flying insects, and where are the intermediate steps? The answer is simple - they don't exist because evolution is a fairy tale!

2. Several studies reported in Science magazine exposed the dinosaur-to-bird hypothesis for what it is - bunk! One study questioned how a dinosaur that breathes using a diaphragm could evolve over time into a bird that breathes using a vastly different abdominal air sac mechanism. Another study demonstrated structural differences in the hands of dinosaurs and birds that is completely inconsistent with what would be expected if the therapod dinosaur was the bird's ancestor. For more details, see the point-counterpoint Science magazine online article, Counting the Fingers of Birds and Dinosaurs.

Saturday, 25 October 2014 00:00

Nebraska Man, Page 4

That's right! If you haven't heard the story before, additional fossil fragments identified the tooth as coming from a pig (or peccary)! Creationists like to point out that this is a case where the pig made a monkey out of the secular scientist!

Unfortunately, we have been force fed many similar monkey-man fairy tales over the last 100 years. Many of these fables have been discredited by even secular evolutionist scientists, yet they still pervade our media and education system. If you are one of those who have been brainwashed by a scientific dogma fueled more by humanist naturalism than objective evidence, I highly recommend you consider reading the book Bones of Contention by Marvin Lubenow, the most exhaustive study of supposed ape-man fossils I have come across.

"The Hesperopithecus tooth is like the still, small voice. Its sound is by no means easy to hear... This little tooth speaks volumes of truth, in that it affords evidence of man's descent from apes." - Professor Osborn (quoted not long before having to order the day's lunch special of crow).

ARRO14E1  Next Series - Evolution of Flight

Saturday, 25 October 2014 00:00

Nebraska Man, Page 3



Saturday, 25 October 2014 00:00

Nebraska Man, Page 2

The Nebraska Man saga began in 1921 with the discovery of a tooth in western Nebraska by a geologist named Harold Cook. The tooth eventually found its way into the hands of Dr. Henry Osborn,  head of the American Museum of Natural History. Osborn excitedly postulated that the tooth belonged to an early ape-man, and his claim was bolstered by the support of scientist Sir Grafton Elliot Smith of Great Britain, a Professor of Anatomy at Manchester.

An all too familiar scenario was about to unfold. Several scientists make an interpretation based on the current scientific paradigm, and then the media assumes its role of conveying the "science" to the general public in typical media fashion! So from a single tooth, Nebraska Man, aka Hesperopithecus haroldcookii, was created! The picture above is the actual artist rendering, based on input from Smith, that was published in the Illustrated London Daily News. But 5 years later, a discovery was made that shed a bit of light on the real Nebraska Man...


Saturday, 25 October 2014 00:00

Nebraska Man

Nebraska Man

Since Darwin released The Origin of Species, countless like-thinking scientists have been scrambling to dig up our supposed ancestors. What has been left in this dusty trail of dug up bones over the last 100 years has been a calamity of misadventure, fraught with overactive imaginations and downright buffoonery! From Java Man to Piltdown Man to Neanderthal Man, to Ramapithecus, FlipperPithecus and Mr. EdPithicus, the story of misinterpreted data continues to roll on and on1. The famous British anatomist and evolutionist Solly Zuckerman once wrote that it is doubtful whether there is any science at all in the search for man's fossil ancestory2. "Doubtful" was certainly an understatement! Perhaps the grandest bit of drollery provided from our fine secular scientific community comes from a discovery in the heartlands of America that unearthed the story of Nebraska Man.


1. What, you ask, is FlipperPithecus? This is what the evolutionist Tim White jokingly designated the dolphin fossil that a peer had misinterpreted as the rib of a supposed human ancestor in 1983. Brings back old memories of that Don Knotts movie "I Wish I Were A Fish". Mr. EdPithicus is what I dub the find in Spain in 1984 of skull fragments that several scientists hailed as the oldest human fossil found. It was later discovered that it was probably the skull of a donkey!

2. Solly Zuckerman, Beyond the Ivory Tower, pg. 64.

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